By Bradley Clements
If our first work travel since 2019 goes well, GRASAC co-director Cara Krmpotich and I will be at Rainy River First Nation when this newsletter is sent out! We are attending the Kay-Nah-Chi-Wah-Nung Gathering on Museums, Communities, and Universities Working Together, organized by Pamela Klassen, Art Hunter, Krista Barclay, Teagan De Laronde, Kate Stoehr, Christina Pasqua. We are grateful to be hosted by Rainy River First Nation and the Kay-Nah-Chi-Wah-Nung Historical Centre on Treaty 3 Territory.
Leading up to the 150th anniversary of Treaty 3, this gathering brings together community, university, and museum-based researchers to discuss topics such as repatriation, Nibi (water), Wajiwanan (mounds), and treaties. Conversations will be led by a range of experts from Rainy River and throughout Anishinaabewaki, including GRASAC Steering Committee members Alan Ojiig Corbiere, Mikinaak Migwans, and Cara Krmpotich. We will have a table at a community engagement portion of the gathering to share information about resources that GRASAC can offer for community-led research, such as the GKS database, the Mobile Community Research Kits, and the Great Lakes Treaty Timeline. If you are at the gathering, please come say hi!