GRASAC’s newsletter is sent out on the first day of every month and features news, stories, features, and events that are by, about, or of interest to GRASAC members and subscribers. The newsletter aims to keep the people of our Alliance connected and informed. Subscribe to GRASAC’s monthly newsletter!
You can find an archive of previous newsletter articles here, or view full previous issues here.
Interested in submitting a story to the GRASAC newsletter?
Any submissions related to GRASAC and the interests of members are encouraged! Submission suggestions include GRASAC member news, “From the GKS” item features, community events, exhibition reviews and announcements, calls for papers from relevant journals or conferences, grant opportunities and programs, and profiles of GRASAC-associated Elders, members, and RAs.
Your submission can be in text (around 200 words if possible), image, or video form, or in the form of links to other accessible platforms. Submission deadlines are the 25th day of each month. Submissions which are received on or before the 25th and are accepted will be sent out on the 1st day of the following month. Please use the contact form below if you would like further information or if you have a submission to contribute.
The newsletter is compiled by Bradley Clements, a GRASAC research assistant. GRASAC uses MailChimp as its newsletter platform. Selected newsletter stories will also be published on the GRASAC website.