Administrative Assistant, American Indian & Indigenous Studies Program, Cornell University
Website: https://aiisp.cornell.edu/people/urszula-piasta-mansfield
Dr. Piasta-Mansfield is a scholar, whose primary research interests focus on the discourses of dispossession of North American Indigenous Peoples with the special attention to the Seneca Nation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Her scholarly pursuits also include the Haudenosaunee colonial history and land relationships, settler colonialism, discourses of land tenure and indigenous land rights as well as the theory of place and space production, resistance movements, indigenous methodologies and epistemologies, federal Indian policy and law, and most recently the relationships between Indigenous dispossession, American public domain lands and the Land Grant Universities, as well as the history of American Indian Program at Cornell in connection with the Haudenosaunee communities in the 20th century.
In her role as an administrative assistant for Cornell’s American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program, Urszula provides academic support to faculty and students, maintains financial records and performs other administrative duties. She has provided invaluable aid in establishing a research partnership between Cornell and GRASAC and in organizing GRASAC’s first major meeting at Cornell in April 2016.