Please join GRASAC in welcoming our newest research assistants (RAs), Aidan Mitchell-Boudreau, Lisa Owl, and Amelia Healey, and returning RAs Sheila Annettee Wheesk and Chantel Tam! Thank you to the new RAs for providing the following introductions:
Aidan Mitchell-Boudreau
I’m a Métis third year undergraduate student at the University of Toronto majoring in Ethics, Society, and Law. My areas of interest include the preservation of indigenous heritage, sacred music and sound, and the modernization of Canadian and international privacy law in light of indigenous values and the protection of children. I’ll be assisting the GRASAC team with records management and copyright clearance on the existing research database.
Lisa Owl
My name is Lisa Owl and I am from Sagamok Anishinawbek First Nation on the beautiful shores of the Lake Huron region. My home community is part of the Robinson Huron Treaty and I am Eagle Clan. I am also a fourth year undergraduate student at the University of Toronto taking a Specialist in Indigenous Studies and Minor in Women & Gender Studies.
Amelia Healey
My name is Amelia and I am an MA student in the Department of History at the University of Toronto. Before coming to U of T, I completed my Honours BA in History with a minor in Canadian Studies at the University of Ottawa. The research that I intend to pursue during my MA includes the material history of settler-Indigenous treaty-making in the Great Lakes region during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. As an RA with GRASAC, I’m looking forward to working with records in the GKS database, gaining more knowledge about the heritage items present there, and researching copyright questions.