From Laura Peers

We are very pleased to announce that the website is now up for the To Honour and Respect project: please visit us at
To Honour and Respect: Gifts from the Michi Saagiig Women to the Prince of Wales, 1860/ Mnaajtood ge Mnaadendaan: Miigwewinan Michi Saagiig Kwewag Miinegoowin Gimaans Zhaganaash Aki 1860, featured an inspiring exhibition of 13 porcupine quilled baskets made at Rice Lake Village (now Hiawatha First Nation) as gifts for the Prince of Wales. Loaned by His Majesty the King and supported by Royal Collection Trust, the baskets were displayed at Peterborough Museum & Archives in 2023. They have now returned to England, but work related to the project continues through the website.
The website features the story of the presentation to the Prince of Wales in 1860, with photographs of all the baskets and information about the makers. It also explores the visit of the baskets in 2023 and activity around the loan, with reflections on the continuing meanings of the baskets to Michi Saagiig community members today.