from Canada’s History The McCord Stewart Museum’s new permanent exhibition, Indigenous Voices of Today: Knowledge, Trauma, Resilience, invites the public to connect with eleven Indigenous nations in Quebec. Visitors take the titular three-part journey, which begins by shedding light on ...
University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology Renews Commitment to GRASAC Network
Wiidankiindiwag display the UM Museum of Natural History (2021); exhibit originally displayed at the Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Lifeways and Culture (2019), co-curated by William Johnson, curator and interim director of the Ziibiwing Center, and Carla Sinopoli,emeritus UMMAA curator and director ...
Welcome to New GRASAC RAs
Please join GRASAC in welcoming our newest research assistants (RAs), Aidan Mitchell-Boudreau, Lisa Owl, and Amelia Healey, and returning RAs Sheila Annettee Wheesk and Chantel Tam! Thank you to the new RAs for providing the following introductions: Aidan Mitchell-Boudreau I’m a third ...
The Great Peace of Montréal
Compiled by Bradley Clements, GRASAC Research Assistant Great Peace of Montreal, 1701. Library and Archives Canada, MIKAN 3050235, folio 44 Overview Dates July 23 - August 7, 1701 Places Montréal Nations and Representatives FranceRepresented by Louis Hector de Callière ...
Autumn Epple: GRASAC RA Profile
by Autumn EppleMy time spent in the past year as a GRASAC Research Assistant has been one I look back on with fondness. As a graduate student in the History program at the University of Toronto, I saw GRASAC as a way to utilize my passion for public history while working towards my degree. As an RA, ...