by Bradley Clements Concurrent with Treaty Recognition Week, GRASAC is launching a new learning resource: a Great Lakes Treaty Timeline! This timeline is intended for treaty education and research. It is not complete or authoritative, and it will be continuously grown. All GRASAC ...
Saying Goodbye to Carleton and ICSLAC: Decommissioning the former GKS Servers and Moving the Archive
by Heidi Bohaker The tape backup system, powering down for the last time, after all the tapes have been ejected and transferred to storage. For those of you who have been members of GRASAC since its inception in 2005, and who were at the founding meeting at Carleton University hosted by Ruth ...
Welcome to New GRASAC RAs
Please join GRASAC in welcoming our newest research assistants (RAs), Aidan Mitchell-Boudreau, Lisa Owl, and Amelia Healey, and returning RAs Sheila Annettee Wheesk and Chantel Tam! Thank you to the new RAs for providing the following introductions: Aidan Mitchell-Boudreau I’m a third ...
Exhibition Review: Away From Home and Close to Home at the Dennos Museum Center
by Bradley Clements The opening of Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories at the Dennos Museum Center. Curated by Janet Cantley at the Heard Museum. Photo by Bradley Clements. Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Stories touches on many experiences of Indian ...
From the GKS: Niagara Conference Minutes, July 28, 1764
by Bradley Clements A page of the minutes recorded at the 1764 Treaty of Niagara council, published in 1953.Niagara Congress Minutes, July 28, 1764. In “The papers of Sir William Johnson, Volume 11,” prepared for publication by the Division of Archives and History, pg 303-307. Albany: ...